Nikon EN-EL15c Battery Compatible
We have added the Jupio range of batteries to our stock line. Great product at a higher price but less than the "genuine EN-El15c from Nikon. This is our cheaper Nikon EN-El15c alternative at 1/2 the price of the genuine version. Having said that, we offer the genuine battery and the compatible and genuine EN-El15 battery charger called the Nikon MH-25 battery charger. You will find links to all of these on this page.
Nikon EN-EL15 Battery Compatible providing 7v, and stores 1600mAh of power
Designed with Lithium-ion technology for maximum battery life and power!
NOTE: This battery allows the Nikon D850 to shoot at 7fps even when used with the optional MB-D18 battery grip. It cannot shoot at 9fps
Suitable for Nikon 1 V1, D500, D600, D610, D7000, D7100, D7200, D750, D7500, D800, D800E, D810, D810A, D850, Z 6, Z 7, D780, Z 5, Z 6II, Z 7II
This Nikon EN-EL15c Battery Compatible comes with a full warranty in Australia.
Pop into our Gold Coast camera store & warehouse or order online. #CamerasDirect, happily helping you take a better #photo and being at your service. Thank you.
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